在政治、經濟、文化领域,亞洲的重要性和作用已變得日益重要。用亞洲人的視野,將亞洲各地區自主的文化可視化,形成亞洲新的整體文化認同,探索未來的發展方向,對創作者來說是件刻不容緩的重要工作。另外,設計的領域和內涵正不斷擴大,並向全球化發展的今天,設計已經融入到各個領域,設計與藝術之間的類型區分已無明顯分界。至今,如果設計已成為產業的主要角色的話, 今後更將迎向賦予作為文化創造者的時代。
“Asia Network Beyond Desig” group is aiming to promote many valuable exchanges and to perform Asian identity through networking over various boundaries.
The territory of design is magnified and globalize today, and border between art and design, and differences of the genre are coming to be meaningless as well. The design of the past was demanded one role as industry, and this time demands design as the culture producer and the culture creator. In addition, the importance and role of Asia expand politically and economically, culturally day by day, and the effort for the development of Asia as Asian is our tasks and duties. It is going to be a foundation stone for Asia design development by sharing of artworks, researches, education, technology and thought for cooperation and exchange of Asia designers through the exhibition, ‘Asia Network beyond Design 2009’. It will be very helpful not only to developing our researches and artworks but also to accomplishing the true identity of each country and the characteristic of Asia.
針對“共同展示”的優秀作品授予“ANBD Excellent Award”。 頒獎儀式在主要會場的開幕式進行。
ANBD was founded in 2008, and engages in many types of complex activities as below.
ANBD participants can express their own ideas under the theme of the year.
We can express creative energy of Asia through unique idea and artworks. Besides exhibition, we suggest lecture, education exchange, art event as well as various activities like workshop.
ANBD Award Judging Committee awards the excellent artwork a prize from 2009.
Artwork pamphlets for each exhibition will be designed and printed.